Thursday, February 25, 2010

Boyfriend's Got Style

From time to time you may hear me air my grievances about adjusting to living in Baltimore in a house decorated (or non decorated) by two guys in their 20's.  What I might not always say is how incredibly supportive my wonderful boyfriend is of everything I want to do and how very talented he is in his own right.  Here's a few hints to his own eye for style.

So overlook the decorating, and take a look at that beautiful exposed brick wall.   It didn't always look like that.   A year and a half ago it looked like this... 
Can you believe that's the same room?!?

Here's a look at another one of his "from scratch" creations.
This bathroom didn't even exist before.  It was a tiny room with no windows.  He knocked down walls, rebuilt them back up, and added a sliding door into the Master bedroom.  He's genius....and he's all mine!  Here's a look at the little room before.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, he did a great job! Glad he didn't stick with the princess barbie theme.
